Thursday, September 30, 2010


Andrew: The North Carolina Tarheels are my favorite team.

Me: Yes, mine too. But we can also cheer for the Texas A&M Aggies...gig 'em Aggies!

A: Mom, what's an Aggie? Is it a type of animal?

Me: No, it is a made up word, just like Tarheel is a made up word.

A: No, a Tarheel is an animal. See (points to the picture of Ramses on my shirt), a Tarheel is kind of like a goat. It has horns, so it is an animal. Go Tarheels.

I think my Godfather, Ben, will be proud, but I hope that when Andrew learns "G" in school and his teacher holds up a picture of a goat, he doesn't announce, "That's wrong. That Tarheel starts with a T, not a G."

We took a walk the other evening as a whole family. Derrick bent down to tie his shoe and his hat fell off. Andrew said, "Mommy, when Daddy takes off his hat, I can see his brain."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

almost two!

It is hard to believe that my baby is almost two. She dressed herself this morning and was ready to go with her babies (and their carrier) this morning to take big brother to preschool. We got many comments this morning about the boots! She loves them.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Half Birthday

Today is Andrew's official half-birthday. I've never been one to celebrate half birthdays, but I'm always up for a celebration...especially if it involves cupcakes.

Andrew has been excited about turning four and a half since one of his friends announced he was already that age. We've been counting down the days and it has finally arrived. In the picture, Andrew is demonstrating how to hold four and a half fingers in the air.

potty training

As you can see, we need to work a little on our technique. But, Amanda is really excited about her new potty seat that Nana brought over.

She says..."Nanny brought potty. Oh boy!"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

a new dress

What do you do with a t-shirt that has a huge stain on the front?

My solution was to turn it into a dress.

I cut the bottom of the shirt and attached some cute fabric that I found at Hancock's. Here is the happy owner of the new dress (along with some sort of bug bite on her eye.)

It was complete with a big white bow (a little too big for Derrick's tastes. I'll have to figure out something different for future dresses.)

Then, I took some of the scrap shirt fabric and turned it into a bow for her hair.

Not bad for a "nap time" project.