Friday, February 15, 2008

Farley's Birthday

We celebrated Farley's first birthday on Wednesday night. I made a doggie birthday cake, which was actually edible for the entire family. We made the peanut butter delight recipe. Farley must have known it was his from the time I was making it, because he was under my feet more than usual the entire time I was mixing and baking.

Here are some pictures of the birthday dog. Scott was so excited and thought it was all great fun. Here he is presenting Farley with his piece of cake. I was quite pleased that Farley consented to wear the hat. It made for such a good picture!

This is my favorite picture because it has such a funny story behind it. Look at that sad face that Andrew has (and, of course, I'm laughing.) After Farley finished his cake, we gave pieces to Scott and Andrew. Andrew was so deliberate to put his plate on the floor and reach up to get a fork. Before I could stop him, Farley grabbed the piece and scarfed it down in one bite. The worst part was that Farley managed to get not one, but TWO pieces from Andrew in that same manner. They say that third time's a charm. The bottom picture shows our solution. Andrew ate the cake on my lap and I monitered the dog's movements.

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