Friday, June 20, 2008

VBS Loot

You may wonder, as I did early in the week, what in the world you do with toddlers for three hours while Mommy is helping teach VBS. At our church, VBS is only offered to kids who have finished Pre-K through 5th grade. But, they have nursery for the little children of the volunteers. Both of our boys fall into the latter category.

Well, I'll tell you what they do...they have lots of fun, sing songs, play with beach balls, eat snacks and do loads of crafts. Each boy came home today with a bag full of crafts. I spread them out on the table to get a good look.

Now I have the great task of figuring out what to do with everything. Some, like the photo magnets and footprints, are definite keepers. Some, like Andrew's coloring pages, will certainly end up in the recycling bin. Actually, it is easy to weed through Andrew's things. He will never notice whether they are missing or not.

Scott is a different story. Can you see the "lovely" sand and shell Kleenex box cover? What about the red cup that is upside down? Evidently, that is an octopus, but it only has two crepe paper "legs" hanging from it. What happened to the other six legs? Scott said he accidentally tore off two legs in class, so we only have to account for four. Hmmm, maybe Nana and Pop will inherit some of these treasures...After all, they are out of the country and can't control what we leave at their house this weekend when we visit.

In all, we've had a great week at VBS. I taught science for the little kids. The best day by far was one where we presented the gospel with this really nifty presentation. All of the kids (and the teachers) were impressed. I highly recommend this as a great visual of how Jesus washes away our sins and makes us pure.

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