Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Andrew birthday #3 - The party!

A week after Andrew's actual birthday, we celebrated with a party with friends. Perhaps I've been slow to post this because it just wasn't my most favorite party that I've given. My great ideas on paper didn't really work with 6 five year olds (and siblings.) But, I think Andrew had a great time, so that is what counts.

We had a Star Wars party, complete with costumes, light sabers and Jedi training. But, what I didn't account for was this: five-year old + light saber + birthday party = CHAOS. There was not much training of these young Jedi warriors. But they did love swinging their light sabers.

We finally went outside, where we captured this picture just before...

the Death Star landed in our carport. Those boys really knew how to pound it. Who knew that Darth Vader carried candy in his battle station?

I loved the cake (and it tasted really good also - our favorite cookie recipe with the rest of the Italian Meringue Chocolate frosting.)

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