Sunday, May 8, 2011


My brother and his family gave Scott an ant farm for his birthday and it has been one of the best and most interesting gifts we have ever received. We love watching the ants. We watch them every day to see what they are eating and what new tunnels they are building. I have never known how fascinating ants are.

Yes, they sit on our kitchen counter. Yes, I check on them every morning when I get up.

And, yes, I see great irony as I gaze at them and then smash a few sugar ants that scamper across the counter. I can handle them in the cage, but not free on the counter.

And we also have another experiment on the counter...a shark that is supposed to grow 600% in water. We'll see how much he grows, but my counter space is starting to get low.

1 comment:

laura said...

we've got our own little ant farm going on here, unfortunately they are uncontained and unwanted - ugh! I think we found a few of their entry spots and matt's been going to town with the caulk gun sealing up holes. making our home hole-proof is a battle we will definitely lose, but we'll go down fighting :)