Tuesday, September 6, 2011

cleaning & clearing

Transitions are all around us. We have many friends who are moving. Many. A few are moving across town. Most that we know are moving away from town. We are sad to see them leave, but are excited for their future plans.

So, we are living with them through their seasons of transition. We have boxes in our basement that are stored for a friend whose house is on the market. We have helped pack; we have painted; we have cried; and we have shared some great memories.

One of the positive effects of friends moving is that it has inspired me to declutter my house...specifically the office. I cleaned out Scott's first grade work last week. Would you believe this is what I recycled?
And, this is what I have now. Actually, this is both kindergarten and first grade.

And in the process, I came across this sweet picture that Scott drew at the end of last year. He brought it home one Friday and I thought it was so pretty...

...then he explained that it was a picture of a tank blowing up another tank, with back up artillery.

I guess art really is in the eye of the beholder.

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