Tuesday, September 22, 2009

and it rained, and rained, and rained

Will it ever stop raining? That was my thought yesterday afternoon. Just before Scott was due home, the sun barely peeped through and I decided to take everyone on a walk. This was the result:

Yep, it poured on us about a half mile from home. We had a good time racing through the rain and Andrew "cut" the raindrops with his sword to keep from getting too wet. Good thing he had his sword with him!

And it rained, and rained, and rained...

About 7:00 I looked out the window and our trickling creek had turned into a roaring river. The waters rose and crept closer and closer to the house. At one point, we thought our pirate ship may truly become a ship!

While the waters rose, our Christmas decorations and basement bedroom mattresses came upstairs. Did I mention that Monday is laundry day and there were 7 loads of clean, folded laundry on the couch ready to be put away before bedtime? That just added to the chaos.

Scott was worried and we told him God would take care of us and protect us. We prayed for the rain to stop. And soon after we prayed, the water began to recede. We were thankful for that and also for the witness of God's great provision for our children to see.

This morning when Andrew awoke, his first comment was "The waters went back to where they belong!" His voice was full of wonderment and awe at this seemingly magical happening. Now I only wish that the basement belongings would also "magically" go back to where they belong. Maybe I'll just go ahead and decorate for Christmas!

1 comment:

Paul said...

the stores will in two weeks so why not --
the news stories were rough for you guys too.-
thankful for you all getting through