Monday, November 22, 2010

Amanda...where are you?

Amanda is at that age where I never know where she will be in five minutes...or just one minute. And there are times in the day where I just have to leave her alone for a second. Like to switch laundry or take something out of the oven.

Here are some places I've found her this week...

Playing with Andrew...

hmmmm...not sure where she is in this picture. I just stopped to take a picture of Andrew and his parking lot. Then, I was off to search for Amanda.

whew...safely in her bedroom reading books to her baby.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Halloween was fun... the firestation on Saturday afteroon

 our church "Trunk or Treat" on Sunday night...

BUT, even more fun was the 75% off sale at Walmart on Wednesday. That's when everyone was what they really wanted. I haven't seen the Mad Scientist, Batman or the fairy since Oct. 31, but I see Elmo and my two Ninjas often.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

Today is Election Day and, in our county, that equals "Day off from School." Scott asked me earlier this week, "What holiday are we celebrating on Tuesday, so that we get the day off?" I told him it's not really a holiday, but I guess they want the schools empty so they can use them as polling centers?

Regardless, I have high hopes for this day. I have lots of plans and am very excited about spending the day at home with all three. Our main fun project is to READ. Yes, Scott loves to read in my lap. The books that he can read bore him and we are in the middle of several big books - Rocks & Minerals, ASK (a science magazine), and Junie B. Jones. My goal is to spend lots of snuggle time on the couch with these books.

We'll see if that happens, though. Amanda is not as much of a fan of sitting still and is a much bigger fan of getting into trouble. Her latest is to change her babies' diapers on TOP of her changing table. That means she climbs the shelves and sits on her changing pad and proceeds to dump powder all over her babies. I caught her last week just before she got into the Desitin. She has also mastered getting out of her crib. I think we'll be rearranging her room fairly soon.

Andrew is in the middle. He will read for a while and then prefers to play superhero (or just about anything with a sword and cape.) He had some funny Andrewisms yesterday:

*On the way home from school, we passed a yellow Mayfield Dairy truck. Amanda thought it was a school bus (everything yellow is a school bus.) I said I thought it was an icecream truck.
Andrew - "Mom, we haven't had ice cream in a while."
Me - "Yes, I was just thinking the same thing."
Andrew - "Do you think I can not have a cake at my 10-year old birthday party and have ice cream instead?"
I chuckled is Andrew willing to wait six years for ice cream and I was thinking we should buy some next time we were at the store!

*Then, last night the delay tactic for going to bed.
Derrick - "Andrew, why are you up?"
Andrew - "I need to clean my toenails."
That's a first!