Sunday, April 7, 2013

Athens Airport Tour

Scouts continues to be a wonderful experience for Scott.  He has an active den, with many connections to the community.  One of the dads arranged for us to have a tour of the tarmac of our little regional airport.  It was so exciting for the boys to see the planes up close.

Our guide was an Eagle Scout and was so patient with all of the boys' questions.

He took them through all of the pre-flight inspections, including the fuel line and the exterior wings and rudders.

Next the boys got to sit in the cockpit.  Too bad they didn't actually get to fly!

Just in case the pilot forgets...

We also toured an older plane.  I can't remember the type, but it was certainly older than the first.

These pictures below capture the personality of the boys perfectly.  Scott wants to learn as much as he can about everything.  He always has a hundred questions.  He is serious and wants the facts.

Andrew just wants to pretend he is soaring above the clouds.  His imagination takes over.

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