Friday, May 10, 2013

School Sleepover

We are nearing the end of a GREAT school year.  Both boys have had stellar teachers.  It's been a year where they have been challenged and inspired by (and worked hard for) teachers who really care about them.  

Andrew is finishing 1st grade with Mrs./Dr. Shoemaker (she earned her PhD in December).  To cap the  year she invited the class to a lock-in at the school.  18 of the 21 kids attended (each with a parent). 

We pulled out all of the fun PE equipment and had a roaring good time playing with hula hoops, balls, skateboards, and more...all of the games that the kids dream about playing without any restrictions or rules.

Then, we settled down for dinner and a craft donated by The Home Depot.

We ended the night watching a movie in the classroom and sleeping in the gym.  There is something really exciting about sleeping at school.  

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