Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mid-point of 2013

June 30

I love this day...mostly because it is Derrick and my wedding anniversary.  But also because it is the mid-point of the year.  It's a great day to look back at the year so far and look ahead to anticipate what's to come.

And, since Derrick is at Cub Scout camp with Scott today, I've had time to do just that.

It is always amazing to me how much we pack into a year.  All the events...all the stories...all the fun.  Blogging helps me remember.  So I'm going to go back and blog 2013...and remember the events and stories and fun we have had so far.   I've finished June tonight and will work in reverse.

And I hope to work quickly...because I anticipate that we will have many more events, stories and fun in the months to roasting marshmallows over hot coals after burgers and corn for dinner.

Summer Swim Team

Scott has just finished his first season of swim team.  It was a fast season and he enjoyed every minute of it.  

The final meet was rained out, but while we were waiting in the car for the meet to be called, we saw a full rainbow across the sky.  I have never seen a full rainbow in Georgia.  Often there are trees and hills that block it, but our pool is across from a pasture and there was space for the rainbow to stretch.  It was too big to capture in one frame.  

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lake Burton 2013

One of our favorite summer traditions is spending time at Lake Burton at a little cabin built by our friend's grandfather and great-grandfather.  No A/C, no TV, no privacy, and really good's wonderful.  

The children outnumber the's been that way for several years now.  

And our four-legged, furry child is always invited.  He loves it as much as we do.

This year was our most active year yet. The kids are older and able to do more.  The Jet Ski was a big hit.  Derrick gave rides to each big kid at least three times each...almost 20 rides around the cove made for sore muscles.   
Those who weren't riding organized a pretty fierce water gun battle with the driver and rider.  While they did a great job defending their fort...

...they were no match for the power of the jet ski.  Derrick was an expert at shooting the water across the dock as he sped by.

Everyone also had several turns to ride behind the big boat in the "Monster Mania."

(proof I was there...Scott took this picture of me skiing.  Normally I'm the one behind the lens, but he is always eager to take the camera.)

We had a few quiet activities.  I especially love this picture of the boys during "nap" time.  They are relaxing and reading on the porch, with the gun ready in case of an attack.

Farley, worn out from a day of fetching the ball in the lake

These two are a little young yet for all this activity, but it won't be long before they will join in on all of the action.

Oh, did I mention that we only had 29 hours together this year?  Yep, all this activity in a day and a half.  The kids (and adults) were sad to leave, but we had three sleeping, worn out children for the car ride home.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Biking this summer

We are on the move this summer...biking every morning while Scott swims at swim team.  

Amanda has a special way to keep up with the family.  She has a bar that hooks her bike to Derrick's (called a Gator Trailer).  

It is so much fun watching this duo tackle the hills in our neighborhood.  They pedal hard to get to the top and sail downhill at top speed.  Derrick gets a great workout!

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Cookie for Breakfast

Isn't that is what summer is all about?

An Animal Experiment

Lazy days of summer.

It's what I want for my family.  Not "boring days of summer," but time to think and dream; read and play.  And time for crazy activities that we don't do during the school year.

Like weighing stuffed animals.

I don't remember exactly how this idea originated.  I think it happened one night at bedtime.  I was joking with Andrew about the number of stuffed animals in his bed.  Somehow, one comment led to another and suddenly we had this brilliant idea to weigh all of his stuffed animals.  

Two days later, he brought them all out of his room and piled them in the "waiting area."

I pulled out our kitchen scale and the festivities began.  Andrew documented each animal's weight and height.

We knew Mighty Eagle would be the heaviest, but it was still exciting to see the large number on the scale.

Here are the results.  Perhaps the most fun was looking for similarities and surprises between the animals.  We made predictions and compared the results.  We were surprised that Scarfy (the green scarf) and New Cici (the patchwork quilt) weighed the same and excited that Scarfy won the prize for longest.  Leo the Lion won second place in both categories.  

After we finished, Andrew had a party for the winners.  Leo received a piggy back ride for his second place finish.  Gerald, his elephant who loves to play video games, won a new DS.  Several animals received their favorite food.

It was a fun activity for a lazy day of summer.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

Happy Father's Day to my sweet husband!

We began the day with yogurt parfaits...homemade Greek yogurt, fresh blueberries and granola.  Yum!   

And we ended the day with strawberry meringue cakes.  I used this recipe, but substituted cream cheese for the mascarpone cheese.  And instead of making one cake, I made meringue cookies and turned them into individual cakes.  I can definitely see this becoming a tradition every year.  

Such a great daddy deserves many more yummy treats like these.  Happy Father's Day, Derrick.