Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mid-point of 2013

June 30

I love this day...mostly because it is Derrick and my wedding anniversary.  But also because it is the mid-point of the year.  It's a great day to look back at the year so far and look ahead to anticipate what's to come.

And, since Derrick is at Cub Scout camp with Scott today, I've had time to do just that.

It is always amazing to me how much we pack into a year.  All the events...all the stories...all the fun.  Blogging helps me remember.  So I'm going to go back and blog 2013...and remember the events and stories and fun we have had so far.   I've finished June tonight and will work in reverse.

And I hope to work quickly...because I anticipate that we will have many more events, stories and fun in the months to roasting marshmallows over hot coals after burgers and corn for dinner.

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