Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Anniversary and Nana Camp

Happy Anniversary to us! Derrick and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on Monday. We had a wonderful day working on projects and playing with the kids. Then, my Mom arrived around 4:00 and we skipped out of the house for a matinée of Wall-E and dinner at our most favorite restaurant downtown - The Last Resort. Derrick ordered my favorite entree - Pecan Crusted Trout - and I decided to try something new, which may become a new favorite. I had a stuffed pork chop, served on a bed of mashed sweet potatoes. Oh, and as with every time we go there, we had a piece of their yummy cheesecake (this time we chose mocha toffee) before our meal arrived. After all, Derrick is always afraid we won't be hungry after the meal to enjoy it. In all it was a delicious and fun evening.

On Tuesday morning, Nana took Scott and my niece, Callie, home with her to Atlanta for a few days of Nana camp. We are enjoying spending a few days solo with Andrew. He has adjusted quite well to being an only child. In fact, he has taken over Scott's bed. That may mean trouble when we get back home. Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

We decided to take some time to work on potty training this week. Here is Andrew reading the paper while on the potty.


laura said...

Happy Anniversary!

And two questions about Nana Camp: one, are non-blood relatives invited? and two, what is the minimum age? I'm pretty sure Julianna is interested :)

Robyn said...

Hey! Your belly is showing and it is so cute! Congrats on your anniversary, ours is next Friday, 10 years!!!!
Oh, about Nana Camp...where do I sign up?