As I was on the phone with my Mom this morning telling her about our week, I realized it had been one of those rare weeks where I can actually see progress in all three children.
You see, when I worked outside of the home, one of my favorite times of year was the big Annual Review. It gave me such satisfaction to put together the report of all my tangible accomplishments for the year and what my plans were for the following year. Even at the end of most weeks, I could look at my To-Do list and visibly see what was accomplished for the week.
Well, I've realized that I don't get many such opportunities in Motherhood. Sure, I can tangibly count the loads of laundry and diapers changed, but as for my main goal of raising well-balanced, educated, socially minded children...most weeks I just hope and pray that we are on the right path.
This week was different. Somehow, as I talked with my Mom, I realized I can visibly see how all three of my children have changed and grown and are different than they were on Monday.
For instance, Scott has just this week started reading simple words from books and is doing great with the pattern work I'm giving him for Math. Andrew suddenly decided this week that he was not wearing diapers. After months of cleaning his messes and getting frustrated and going back to diapers, he suddenly has figured it out. And Amanda has little hairs on top of her head that are visibly longer than they were on Sunday. Just today, she "graduated" from sleeping in her carseat to sleeping in the crib. She is having much more awake time this week and smiling so much.
It is little revelations such as these that remind me that all the hard work is worth it.
What a beautiful, growing family you have! And isn't it wonderful to be able to measure noticeable progress in just one week's time! Merry Christmas!
It is so important as parents, moms especially, to look for the progress in our children that is so hard to see when we are with them day to day. It helps make us feel like we are getting something accomplished. I completely understand where you are coming from!
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