Thursday, April 30, 2009

Summer is quickly approaching and today was the first "last" of the spring - our last day of bible study for the year. In the next two weeks, we also have our last co-op and Scott's last day of school. We'll have our "first" summer event, Vacation Bible School, before Derrick has his last day of school.

I have spent the last 30 weeks of bible study in the book of Revelation. I read about God's great love for His people, His awesome return, and His wrath for those who reject Him. I've read about plagues, hunger, earthquakes, and darkness; salvation, love, streets of gold and a faithful bridegroom who returns for his bride. But, nowhere in my study have I seen any proof that my Alma Mater is in fact "The Southern Part of Heaven," as those in Chapel Hill like to think.

Meanwhile, the children have had their own bible study upstairs. They began in Genesis and have learned Old Testament and New Testament stories, through Jesus' death and resurrection. Today they learned that Jesus returned to heaven to prepare a place for them. It tied in quite well with the end of our study of heaven.

The artwork Andrew did (shown below) was so beautiful that I posted it on the refrigerator when we got home. While cooking dinner, I noticed that the Old Well is in the center of the picture, just beyond the gates of heaven! Maybe Chapel Hill is the Southern Part of Heaven. After all, if God is not a Tarheel, why is the sky Carolina Blue?

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Strawberries are in season, and I woke up this morning with a craving for some fresh, juicy ones. The boys and I ate breakfast in the car as we headed down the road to pick our own before the crowds and heat came.

My, how much do things change in a year. The last time I went strawberry picking, we went with some good friends. I was five months pregnant and my friend ended up picking most of our berries, while I took the four kids to play. It was so much easier and more enjoyable this year to bend down and collect the berries. Alisa couldn't come this year because she has a 2-day old baby. So, next time we go together, one of us will have six kids to entertain while the other picks.

We spent about 30 minutes picking two gallons (and munching as we went.) Then, we spent about 30 more minutes checking out the animals on the farm. On the way home, I asked the boys what they enjoyed most.

Andrew: "I loved eating!" (said with great enthusiasm)

Scott: "I loved pumping!"

I enjoyed most seeing their peacock showing off for us and the little baby peacock in the nest.

The best part about this farm, is it is just five miles down the road. We plan to return at least once more this season, so we will have lots in the freezer for the coming year. Here are some additional pictures and videos.

Monday, April 13, 2009


A few weeks ago, I desperately needed some inspiration for homeschooling Scott, as Spring Fever hit hard and a good friend desperately needed some solo-time from watching her granddaughter. So the result is that Rachel has been spending every Monday morning with us, as we play and learn. It has been great fun for everyone, especially the kids who love being with their friends.

Today we read "Mirette on the High Wire", a Caldecot Award winning book and then painted with watercolors, just like in the book and set up blocks to practice "walking on a high wire." I forgot to take pictures, but here are a few from a few weeks ago.

Playing with play-doh and blocks are two of our favorite activities.

Last week we read "Snowy Day", where the illustrator used collages to make the pictures. Then, we also made collages.

This is probably my favorite picture of Rachel. At home, she is all about dolls and dress-up. At our house, she has to settle for Superhero and Warrior dress-up clothes.

I think the #1 reason Rachel likes to come over is to play with Amanda. She is so helpful and especially loves to hold her.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ is Risen!

We were elated to awake this morning and discover that the tomb was, indeed, empty. Christ is Risen!

You can't see this picture very well, but the soldiers have fallen to the ground, as if dead, and the angel is speaking with the women at the tomb.

We also made resurrection cookies last night and the boys unsealed the oven this morning to find the hollow cookies.

Not only did the cookies help to illustrate the Easter story, but they tasted good as well.

No Easter is complete without gifts in the Easter basket. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get a picture of both boys in front of their baskets at the same time.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pictures taken a few weeks ago:

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lion or Lamb: The Verdict

Despite what the real phrase is, March in Athens came in like a lion and squeaked out like a lamb. March 31 was overcast, with threat of storms, but the thunder did not roll in until April 1.

So, now we are sitting in the "April showers bring May flowers" month. Except, I think this year it may be "March showers bring April flowers." We received so much rain in March: 7.76 in. The normal is 4.99 in. Combine that with the 3 inches we have received so far in April, and we have a pretty full creek zooming past our house.

Farley and the boys had a blast this afternoon splashing through the puddles in our backyard. It really is fun to experience warm, wet weather.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Scott's birthday - part 1

It is a family tradition to stretch birthdays over many days and we certainly did so for Scott's birthday. His celebration started on Thursday by taking cupcakes to preschool. Even at such a young age, the boys and girls sit at different tables. Here is Scott's table:

Andrew thought he was such a big boy and had a wonderful time. He also enjoyed the icing...can you tell?

Good enough to lick the paper!

The best part was that my Mom was in town and was able to come with us.

Later in the afternoon, Nana and Scott made Light Saber cookies for his Star Wars party. More on that later...