Sunday, April 12, 2009

Christ is Risen!

We were elated to awake this morning and discover that the tomb was, indeed, empty. Christ is Risen!

You can't see this picture very well, but the soldiers have fallen to the ground, as if dead, and the angel is speaking with the women at the tomb.

We also made resurrection cookies last night and the boys unsealed the oven this morning to find the hollow cookies.

Not only did the cookies help to illustrate the Easter story, but they tasted good as well.

No Easter is complete without gifts in the Easter basket. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get a picture of both boys in front of their baskets at the same time.

1 comment:

laura said...

I love the photo! we learned this year that more kids = harder to get a good photo :) but we tried! you guys look great!