Amanda turned 8 months on Saturday. She is growing up so quickly (and wants to grow up even faster). She is so eager to do everything that her brothers are doing. While she is not yet crawling, she might as well be, as fast as she is able to move across the floor. She rolls and spins to get exactly where she wants to go.
She is also practicing her sounds. This week is the the "b" sound. All day, I hear "buh, buh, buh." She has mastered the "ahhhh" and the very loud "girl" squeal. She becomes louder the more tired she is.
Here are some current pictures of her showing off her newest skill - sitting up by herself!

So cute! Boy does the time fly! love Sara
She looks so cute sitting up! and sometimes the "not crawling yet" is a nice break for mom.... a crawling baby is a bit more work :)
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