Friday, September 18, 2009

Bed Head?

To the untrained eye (including everyone who saw him at church), it may appear that Andrew had a severe case of bed head on Sunday morning. What kind of parent lets her child attend church with unbrushed hair!

I'll have you know that I watched Andrew carefully style each hair on Sunday. He also selected his clothes with the same attention to detail and precision. Somehow, it makes sense to a three year old that a VBS shirt constitutes "church clothes." I may ask for him to wear a collar, but he thinks that a shirt given to him at church is suitable attire to wear there. And I have no idea where he got the idea that the plaid shorts are church shorts, but he has worn them every Sunday for the past few weeks and won't wear them mid-week because they are his "church shorts."


It's a good thing that God looks at the heart and not at the outward appearance. Thank goodness for grace!