Monday, October 26, 2009

more soccer

For those of you eagerly awaiting the soccer update (e.g. the weather report)...we have had no more canceled games! Of course, tonight was supposed to be the last game of the season, but they have extended the season by a week to fit in all of the rained out games. Here are some photos from the game on Saturday.

Notice in the photo below that there are five kids attacking the ball. Keep in mind that only six kids play at a time. Not sure where #6 was (from the red team)...maybe tying his shoe or looking at the clouds. There are no goalies, so your best defense is to hope your opponent's aim is not good. Of course, score does not matter. What matters the most is snack. :)

Amanda entertained herself by learning how to climb into the little chair...and then fall out.

Andrew is so eager to play soccer that he practices for most of the game with an extra ball. Scott likes soccer, but Andrew LOVES it. I think he will be our little athlete.

1 comment:

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Love the pics and love Andrew's short cut!