I have had such fun this week listening to my children. I mean really listening. What they say is so funny. For instance:
Scott & Andrew:
...love to tell Knock Knock jokes. Derrick taught them the one where you repeat "banana" several times. Then you say "orange"..."orange who"..."orange you glad I didn't say banana." Now Knock Knock jokes are featured at every meal. Derrick and I get such a kick out of them because they make no sense. "knock knock"..."who's there"..."banana"..."banana who"..."banana and orange sit on the pirate's head." The boys feed off each other and all we have to do is sit back and enjoy the show...and enjoy it we do!
...Just before the school bus arrived home yesterday, Andrew was wearing his helmet and sword. We were discussing the Armor of God, specifically the "sword of the spirit, which is the word of God." Scott arrived at the tail end of that conversation (although he has heard it many times.) In his most authoritative voice he remarked, "Do you know why it is called spirit? It's because it is sharp, like a spear."
...There are just some words that our toddlers say that stick. For instance, we will forever eat "cho chos" and "ba bas" at breakfast (Cheerios and Bananas.) Derrick and I drink "poffee" together in the morning. We "yip our yippers" when we zip our coats. And Farley is still "Far-Far", Andrew's first name for him.
One of my favorite words of Andrew is "helitopter." A sad moment this week was when Scott finally corrected him - "No, it's heliCOpter." After three or four corrections, Andrew finally got it right. I almost cried to think I would no longer hear him say "Look Mom...A helitopter!"
Scott also tried to correct him when he calls his sword a "light saver." Luckily, light saber hasn't taken over, so I still have some time for that one.
...speaking of adding new words to the family vocabulary, Amanda is rapidly catching up to her brothers. She loves to talk. At breakfast on Wednesday, Andrew declared it was his birthday, so I sang Happy Birthday to him. At the end of my song, Amanda chirped "Happy Uh-un." It really was a chirp and so darling. Now, if you ask her when her birthday is, she will reply "happy uh-un."
...Others that she repeats often are "doe-gie" and "tooth" for toothbrush (a favorite pasttime.)
1 comment:
Oh, but "helitopter" is so wonderful!
McCance thinks the word "boogie man" in the VT song is something else. Of course, now that I'm typing this comment I've forgotten, but I'll remember by Wednesday. LOL
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