Tuesday, January 26, 2010

you know you need to get out more when...

Last week we went to Trader Joe's in Atlanta (a favorite store!) Derrick suggested I purchase a butternut squash with which to make his yummy Ginger Squash Soup. When I saw this one...

...I immediately thought he looked like the Veggie Tales character, Jimmy Gourd.

I even mentioned the similarity to our friendly cashier, but he had never heard of Veggie Tales. However, the cashier behind us started to sing the theme song. Really! How many grocery stores can you go to where the cashier sings the theme song to your kid's favorite cartoon? That's why I love Trader Joe's.

We are on a Veggie Tales kick at our house. The most requested car CD is "Silly Songs with Larry," closely followed by "Sunday Morning Songs."

I find myself humming "God is bigger than the Boogie Man" while in the shower.

I've watched the Gideon show so much recently that I may actually think that Gideon recruited his army by offering free flashlights and selected his men by choosing those who did not get Brain Freeze when they drank their smoothies.

And, now I'm having trouble cooking the squash because every time it comes up on the menu, I think of Jimmy Gourd.


Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Awesome Leslie - LOL!

Unknown said...

Hi Leslie! This ginger squash soup sounds yummy! Brian made some butternut squash soup the other day, and it was fantastic. I've always heard that folks have a hard time killing animals which then end up on their dinner tables, but squash! That's so funny! I need to check out veggie tales. :-)

Helena said...

Ha! I just found your post while looking for a squash identification. :)