Sunday, May 9, 2010

Rahab's house

On Friday, Andrew disappeared while I was getting Amanda ready for her nap. When she was settled and sleeping, I came out to find him wedged in a corner of the living room building an elaborate town with his blocks. He told me he was building Jericho.

Now, Jericho is one of his favorite Bible stories. After all, what four-year old doesn't like an excuse to build with blocks, march and then knock it down? (Samson is almost as fun!)

With his imagination soaring, Andrew zoomed in to what Rahab's house must be like. After several rebuildings, the whole structure eventually became her house. In this version, her bed is the orange block in the back. The kitchen is in the front right and the living room is on the left. Later, the structure became larger and more elaborate, with even giraffes and chickens.

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