Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I often compose blogs in my head while I'm playing with the kids or driving the car. I compose them while taking pictures and listening to the kids' stories. I sometimes even think about what to write as I'm falling asleep at night.

And sometimes, I have deja vu and think, "that sounds like something I've written before." (Maybe I've even written this thought before.)

It's May, so we have the same story...same pictures...but the kids are a year older. While it may be slightly boring for my readers to see the same things year after year, it just warms my heart to see the traditions that are being created in the family. While new activities are fun, it's the things that we do year after year that build into great memories.

Here are some pictures from our 2010 strawberry picking adventures! We took my niece Callie with us and had a blast.

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