Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Back to School

Derrick began school yesterday and Scott starts next week. Summer is over for us, even though it is still almost 100 degrees outside.

As I folded laundry yesterday, I thought that it will be a long time before I again fold a load of Derrick's clothes with six pairs of shorts and no dress shirts. It may be in the upper 90's outside, but Derrick is back to long pants.

The stores in Georgia are all having back to school sales. Who wants to buy plaid sweaters and corduroy pants in August? I'll just wait until the Labor Day sales...or perhaps the Columbus Day sales...or even the "end of season sales in late November when they are trying to clear the racks for spring clothes!

Or maybe I won't have to shop at all, if our hand-me-down clothes hold up. Sometimes by the time we get clothes, Scott and Andrew are the fourth and fifth boy to wear them. Jeans just don't last that long without getting holes in the knees!

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