Friday, August 12, 2011

Andrewisms again

Even though he is is a "big" kindergartener, Andrew still has some funny kid moments that make me realize he is still a little kid.

The other day the kids were playing in the living room. I was in the kitchen. Suddenly, I heard a loud, "Noooooooooooooooo!!!! That's for ages 8 and up! You can't play with it until you are eight!"

Amanda was trying to play with his rubber band gun.

It took me a second to see the irony in that comment. He retracted his statement after I pointed out the fact that he is only 5 himself.

He is doing great so far in school. He loves his teacher (although he can't remember her name.) He loves the sandbox and climbing dome at recess. And he is so proud of the careful coloring that he has brought home each day. But he is exhausted. I'm glad we started the year with a short week and the weekend is here.

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