Saturday, August 13, 2011


After weeks of no rain, we had a huge rain last night (2.5 inches) and the creek started flowing again. It had been a trickle, but now it is a real creek again. The boys could not wait to explore this morning. So, while it was still overcast, we put on our boots and set off.

Scott found this crawfish in a crack among some concrete and rocks. He was so excited about it. Derrick is holding it in this picture. He was giving Scott a lesson on how to hold it and also reminding him that it has gills and can't stay out of the water for very long.

This was Amanda's first true mucking experience. Don't you love her pink boots! They may look girly, but Amanda is not afraid to get muddy and wet while exploring.

Andrew was too busy trying to dam the water to smile for the camera.

Scott took a break to give me a little grin.

This isn't a great picture, but if you look carefully, you can see everyone is crossing through the tunnel that goes under our street. And, believe it or not, I put my camera down and joined them! It was my first under-road crossing and it was quite fun. The tunnel had great echoes and there is some sort of great adventure to know you are crossing under a street, even if it is just our small little street.

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