Sunday, October 30, 2011

The day before Halloween...

How did you spend your Sunday afternoon? When I awoke this morning, I planned to read, take a walk, and do a little computer work after church. Oh, and I wanted to pull out the costumes that the kids had selected for Halloween. Do you remember the cool Ninja costumes that we bought after Halloween last year? I thought we had settled that the boys would wear those.

All I thought I had to do was make a set of Minnie Mouse ears. Yesterday, I purchased a black headband and some fabric - 7 inches to be exact to get the correct width. I wasn't sure what I would do with the rest of the length.

So, after church, I was about to dive into the costume box to fish out all of the Ninja pieces when Andrew announced that he wanted to be a pumpkin. And Scott decided to be Cat in the Hat (with a hat Aunt Stephanie made a few years ago.)

I was determined not to fight the crowds today. Everything had to be something we already have in the house. Luckily, I have a good craft supply (and that extra black fabric that I purchased yesterday...I used it in all three costumes.) Here are the results:

I have to sew the face on the pumpkin (recognize the orange fabric?) I think I'll also put a piece of elastic on the bottom and stuff Andrew with balloons. He's pretty excited about that.

So, we'll be wearing original costumes made from things we already had at home. Just needed a little sewing, glue gun action and some time. (And I may have to venture to the store in the morning...we don't keep colored hair spray at this house. I think Andrew needs orange hair. Or, I may just fashion a hat with a stem...any ideas?)

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