Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Memorable weekend

What a wonderful, memory-packed weekend we have had. We visited with dear friends from Thursday through Saturday. As they left to head home, we headed to SC for an adventure on an aircraft carrier. (More on that in another post.)

Brent, Sara, Hannah & Sam came for no other reason than to hang out with us. What a wonderful treat! Amanda is just between Hannah and Sam in age and the three got along beautifully.

I loved seeing Sam play with our little boy toys that aren't used as often any more. Here he is enjoying our horse, Pedro.

Perhaps the most fun the kids had was after dinner on Friday. Sara blew up five glow-in-the-dark balloons. We turned off all of the lights and let the kids go wild. What fun!!!!

You can see that they did not stay still for long. My camera could not catch the photo in such low light, but it made for some cool images.

Amanda had green...

Scott's was yellow. Hannah has the purple balloon in the background.

Andrew's was orange.

Cute little Sam (wearing one of our old hand-me-down sweatshirts...I just LOVED seeing him wearing things I remembered our boys wearing)

At one point I asked all to sit still for a picture. Here they are with the lights out.

And another with the lights on.

Thanks for hauling your kids six hours to see us!! We enjoyed it!

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