Friday, April 6, 2012

Vet School Open House

We attended one of our favorite annual events this week - the UGA Vet School Open House.   
And it was most fun because friends joined us.  The day started with a ride on one of the UGA buses from the remote parking lot to campus.  For these suburbanite kids, riding a bus is a real treat. 

Our first stop was Teddy Bear surgery.  I've learned that the line only gets longer as the day progresses.

The first order of business was pre-op.  After all, we need to make sure the bears are OK for surgery.
Andrew carefully watched as the mouth was restitched on his bear.  

We brought a bear from home that needed stitching (Super Ping Pong is his name).  He lives on Andrew's bed.

Here are all the kids after a successful surgery.  

The next stop was to see the live animals on the front lawn of the school.  This woman is giving a milking demonstration.  

All the kids had a turn learning how to rope cattle.  Good thing this guy wasn't really moving.  

My favorite room is always the anatomy room.  We save it for last because it is never crowded and the kids want to spend so much time looking and asking questions.   

My mom joined us for a little while with my niece and nephews.  We had our own personal tour of the surgery area

The pharmacist wore the right outfit for the day.  I wonder how many pictures he posed for.  

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