Friday, January 24, 2014

Library Day!

We are slowly getting back into our normal routine after the Christmas holidays.  It's funny that it seems to be taking longer than normal.  I attribute that to the really cold weather that we are having.  My crew has never known such a cold January.

I also attribute the slow start to our busier than normal activity schedule.  Scott is participating in winter swimming two nights per week.  Andrew has started Upward Basketball.  And Amanda is thrilled to be doing her first extracurricular activity - gymnastics.  Just look at the smile in this picture!

We have had wild afternoons this week.  The backyard is cold and swampy, so I can't send the kids outside.  They (mainly Andrew and Amanda) make the living room their gymnastics arena using camping mats.  The couch is the vault.  The mats are lined up to be the floor exercise.  A coffee table is the beam.  And the back of our bigger couch is the bars.  Amanda can hang on the back of the couch and do a flip.

But today was different.  I decided to take them to the library after school.  Our books that we checked out before Christmas had no more renewals, so we headed out to the library after school.  

Oh, I forgot how wonderful are library afternoons.  We checked out 38 books.  The kids climbed into the car with their stacks and the ride home was silent.  They filed into the house and each went to his or her own corner to pour through their new books.

Andrew chose the little couch.  He was reading a book called "Stink."  I don't think it is fine literature, but he seems to enjoy it.  He has trouble finishing books.  He tends to put them down after one reading session and move on to another the next time he reads.  I think he almost finished this book in an hour.    

I think in this picture, Scott was reading a Geronimo Stilton book.  These are among his favorites, although they are way below his reading level.  He can certainly finish a book in one sitting, but he finds them funny and entertaining.

He did not read for long yesterday.  As soon as he finished his snack, I reminded him that homework was more important than reading.  His homework fluctuates and last night he had to finish a report.  This is the first year that he has had significant writing assignments to complete at home.  I love that it gives me the chance to help with his writing at home, but it can be difficult for him to keep his focus…especially if the living room is a gym.

Amanda also picked out many books to bring home, but what she was most excited about yesterday were Magic Tree House books on CD.  She is reading the series at school and is really excited about Jack and Annie.  I remember that we read the entire series with Scott when he was this age.  Before she decided that she needed to pose for this picture, she was lying on the floor listening to one of the books.  Of course, her attention span isn't that long and soon enough, I heard her switching CDs.

Amanda is really interested in the idea of learning to read.  Several books that she picked out yesterday are ones that she recognized as books that she can use to practice reading.  But, the actual work of sitting down to read isn't as appealing.  She would rather be upside down on the back of the couch.

We love our local library!!  And are so thankful for it.

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