Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I was supposed to post this blog on Christmas Eve, and now is the first time that I've taken to sit down at the computer. We have had such a blessed Christmas. It has been relaxing and delightful to have Daddy at home all day!

For the past several years, my favorite Christmas song has been "Mary Did you Know?" The song asks Mary if she knew that the sleeping child before her was the great I Am? It wonders if she knew His destiny when he was such a little baby.

As I listen to that song during the Christmas season, I pause and wonder what great plans God has for my children. I don't think that Mary knew any better than I do the plans that the Lord had in store for her little baby. But, as I go through the daily trials of raising my kids, I cling to the promises that God has given me - he knew Scooter and Roo before they were even born (Psalm 139) and he has plans and purposes for them to give them a hope and a future (Jer. 29:11). I wonder if Mary clung to these same promises as she was raising Jesus and her other children.

Last night, I was reading a book that a friend gave me for Christmas, and I love this quote: "When God entrusted a child to us, in an instant that baby became so intimately a part of us that we couldn't picture life without him - ever. I couldn't imagine what my chubby child would be when he grew up. But what I yearned for had little to do with his adult career. I longed that he be part of us forever - that he be God's forever."

As this Christmas season comes to a close and we go back to our normal life, I pray for my family and yours that we will yearn to become closer to the great I Am and seek the plan that He has for our lives.

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