Thursday, December 6, 2007

Updates & Photos

I've gotten behind this week, so I thought I would post some pictures and share stories to go along with them.

Below is the promised picture of me "fluffing" the artificial tree. I have enjoyed the lights and ambiance, but miss the yummy smell of frasier fur. Last Friday, we had a wonderful evening decorating the house and enjoying our first fire of the season. I tried to capture the fire in the photo, but the light wasn't quite right. Scooter had the honor of putting our (very small) angel on top (with Daddy's help, of course.)

Roo is in the stage of imitation. While Derrick and Scooter were setting up the "big" train around the base of the tree, Roo toddled over to his little, wooden train set and started putting it together and playing with it.

Also, we have construction on our street right now. They are laying new water pipes. This week, they have been working across the street, with a great view out of our big window. We set up our little picnic table in front of the window, so the boys can eat and watch construction at the same time. All was quiet yesterday as Scooter and I washed dishes...which always leads me to worry about what Roo is into. I walked around the corner and he was sitting at the table watching the bobcat level the dirt across the street. In his hand was a small, toy bulldozer that he was pushing across the table, "leveling" the tabletop. I didn't take pictures of this, but it was a cute moment.

This next picture is of our "cooking decorating" party that we had yesterday. Let me tell you...when you mix 5 kids, icing and sprinkles, you end up with a great big mess! And, kids who are wired on sugar. Playing outside was much needed! But, we made some beautiful (and yummy) cookies. I especially love the picture of the littlest guys -- after just one cookie, they both thought that eating was more fun than decorating. One of our friends arrived with her little apron, so Scooter announced that he needed to put on his apron -- it is a "workshop apron" that we got at Lowe's when we were attending one of their Saturday workshops.

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