Sunday, August 24, 2008

memorize verse = get prize

Now that Scott has officially moved into the "children's program" at church, he can participate in the Family Bible Challenge. Each month, the kids work on a new bible verse to memorize. When they can recite the verse to the Children's Director, they get to dig into a prize box and select one. It is great motivation to hide scripture in their hearts.

So, this week we worked hard to memorize Joshua 1:9. Scott proudly recited it and went to get his prize. Since this was our first try, I did not know what to expect. I thought he may get a sticker. I busted out laughing when he emerged from the room looking as such:

He loves his new teeth and was especially delighted that they made other people laugh. With teeth like that, we'd better start saving for braces!

We have also been working on the Lord's Prayer, but that is taking quite a bit longer. The problem with it is that there are so many words that we don't use in everyday English. He has the rhythm down pat, but often substitutes random words for the ones that he does not know. After all, how many four year olds use "hallowed" or "trespasses" in their every day speech. My favorite mistake is when he says: "Thy kingdom come, my will be done." Gee, is that a Freudian slip or what! Isn't that what we all struggle with - the fact that deep down we really want our own way. That may be the hardest line for me to say and believe...that, no matter what, I want God's will to be done.

Of course, as with any time I teach, I get more out of the lessons than the student. As I memorize with Scott his verses and slowly repeat the Lord's Prayer daily, it gives me much time to reflect on what they mean and hide them in my heart as well. If only I could get such cool prizes for my work...

1 comment:

laura said...

I just had to comment on this one! Julianna has a few "slips" with her verses too. Here are a few of my favorites:

Prov 17:17
A friend loves me at all times. (it should be: a friend loves at all times, she added the ME on her own initiative and, even funnier, she really emphasizes the "ME" when she says it).

Heb 13:16
She almost always gets this one right: "and do not forget to do good and to share with others"

BUT, every now and then it comes out like this:
"and do not forget to do good and to share with Lydia".

Nothing like a bit of Bible personalization, is there?