Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ready for Ceiling Tile!

Even though I'm still 10 weeks out, my nesting instinct has jumped into high gear the past couple of weeks. I think just knowing that Derrick is starting school soon has inspired me to get everything ready while he can occupy the kids. My original plan was not to do too much with the room, since I loved the blue and yellow theme that we used with the boys. But, Jill and Geoffrey gifted us with Callie's (my niece) nursery room decorations and bedding. It is fun to do something different for our new little girl.

When I first hung the curtains last week, Derrick's first comment was on the amount of pink in the room. Not only were the curtains, sheet and changing table cover pink, but the light that came into the room filtered through the pink curtains and tinted everything a nice shade of pink. My mom spent Wednesday afternoon and evening with us and we adjusted the curtains. I love the new look. See what you think.

1 comment:

Patt said...

Big changes - you're getting ready to start your pink period! Laura says she does white, dark, and pink laundry! Hope all continues to go well with you and the family.