Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Was the groundhog wrong?

I know that I reported a few days ago that spring was a long six weeks away, but we have had beautiful 65-70 degree weather all week. It is all I can do to keep the boys inside until we finish breakfast. We've spent so much time outside playing in the yard and playing with friends. What a welcome refreshing time!

Here are some of the outdoor pictures that we've taken this week.

Sunday was Farley's 2nd birthday. We opted not to make a cake this year, but gave him a bone to enjoy outside while we played and grilled dinner. It was a super-special bone because it came from the delicious standing rib roast that my Dad made for Christmas dinner. It has been in the freezer waiting for special time to be given to Farley. Thanks Mom and Dad for the great Birthday gift!!

We spent Monday morning at Bradford and McCance's house. They have the biggest collection of hand-me-down Lego's that I have ever seen and my boys LOVE going over there to play with them. B & Mc are expecting a little sister in just a few weeks, so they enjoyed practicing holding Amanda. I think Alisa is going to have lots of help once the baby is born, as they had to each hold her a second time before we could leave.

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