My most recent blog thoughts concerning Andrew have to do with his fascination with all weapons, especially guns. EVERYTHING becomes a gun in our house: train tracks, bristol blocks, and even a PB&J sandwich. It is about to drive me crazy.
So imagine my excitement when I read a recent column by the editor of our local weekly paper. (I tried to find the column online, but it wasn't posted.) He describes how much fun he had at his son's 12th birthday party, held at a place where they have mock battles. It sounded somewhat like paintgun, but with another type of weapon. He described in detail that they divided into teams and made battle plans, etc. And, then they go out and "kill" the enemy (i.e. the other team). YIKES! Do I have this to look forward to in my future? I sure hope not. For now, Andrew is excited about his upcoming Super Hero birthday party, although he insists that it is a "Bad Guy" birthday party.
We'll have more updates on Andrew soon, since his birthday is tomorrow! My little guy will be THREE!
Oh, and another thing. I've been humbled once again. I finished our Kool Aid dye experience with a rather smug "I'm such a great Mom for not putting that stuff in my child's body" feeling. Then, yesterday, Andrew and Scott asked for Fun Dip for their afternoon special treat (the stuff that Santa Claus left in their stockings). Andrew got it all over his finger, which promptly turned bright green. Even through several hand washings and scrubbings, the finger remains green 24 hours later. I hate to see what color the inside of his stomach was when he finished! So, the lesson learned is that Fun Dip is Kool Aid with added sugar and I'm really not such a careful Mom after all. But, they sure did enjoy their treat.
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