Sunday, February 21, 2010


We had snow last week! The powdery, light snow was so beautiful. As the wind blew, big puffs would fall from the trees. As expected, Scott and Amanda loved playing in it, while Andrew was ready to go back inside after about 10 minutes.

Scott thought it was great fun to ride his bike while the snow fell.

Meanwhile, Amanda tried to catch some on her tongue.

On Saturday morning, we awoke to a winter wonderland. I love this picture because you can clearly see our Valentine's decorations and the snow outside. Snow in February is rare around here.

Here is everyone enjoying the snow!

Amanda, Miss Independent, wanted to walk by herself. She was wearing her new muck boots, which are size 7. She really wears a size 5, but the smallest size they sell is a 7.

And, this is what happened when she did not have a hand to hold onto. She was just like the kid in "A Christmas Story"...stuck on the ground. Yes, you can see her glove in the background. I took time to take a few pictures before helping her up.

The sun and the trees were beautiful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I cannot believe how much snow you got in GA!!! Amanda looks so cute with her pink jacket & navy mucking boots! So chic!