Thursday, September 22, 2011

Amanda's Pink Party

Warning...these pictures are very PINK!!

Amanda had so much fun at her pink birthday party last Saturday.

As everyone arrived, we just played in the backyard. It really is Amanda's favorite place to be. She loves to swing, slide and play in the sand. I was a little disappointed that it was too cold to pull out the water table, but it probably was dryer that way.

I gathered the guests and gave Amanda a present -- her very own copy of "Pinkalicious." She was so excited!

Of course, we read it immediately. For those of you who aren't familiar with the story, it is about a little girl who eats too many pink cupcakes and turns pink. It is such a cute story and has been one of Amanda's favorites since she read it at a friend's house.

Even the boys were interested...

After you read a story like that, the only logical thing to do is go inside and try some pink cupcakes. Many cupcakes were eaten, but I don't think we produced any pink children.

Amanda also loved her other book-gift from us - The Pink Everything Book.

It was a very fun and very sweet three-year old party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention how delicious the cupcakes were! ;-) (BTW, I remember capturing the picture of Amanda with her tongue out and thinking it was just perfect, showing her genuine excitement. -Alisa