Sunday, September 25, 2011

gifts and regifts

As a conclusion to Amanda's birthday...she had a wonderful day and enjoyed so much being the center of attention. We ate chicken for dinner, with ice cream sundaes for dessert.

Opening presents was tons of fun.

Amanda loves this cute hat and outfit set that Grandma gave her...especially since it is pink. (As a side note, she wore the shirt today - note the pink color - with the green "dot dot" pants that she has on in the above picture. It was quite the color combination. We went all over town wearing it.)

Here is the "regift" - a dollhouse from the Borders. Everybody loves it! Amanda has told me several times, "my new dollhouse needs a stroller and swimming pool." Where does she get these ideas?

The boys spent the greater part of the evening building a TV and satellite dish for the house with Legos. I reminded them they needed a satellite in space for their company and a rocket to get it there, so those were built as well.

Another favorite gift is the matching jammie set that Nana made for the three of us - me, Amanda and Merry. We will wear them on Friday nights together when we have "sleep with Mommy" nights. (That's the night that Derrick has "sleep with Daddy" night with the boys - They don't have matching jammies. They don't know what they are missing!)

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