Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Half Birthdays and Birthdays

One of the most symnetrical things about my kids is the boys celebrate their half-birthdays in the month that Amanda celebrates her birthday and vice-versa. That means we can have celebrations throughout the months of March and September - exactly six months apart.

We celebrated Andrew's half-birthday. I love any excuse to make a special dinner and a cake (plus, it really helps with my weekly menu planning.) Tonight's special dinner was Chicken Pot Pie and Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake with Fudge Frosting...yummy!

Dinner is all you get for your half-birthday, but real birthdays are cause for more celebration. And we have one just around the corner. In our typical style, we are spreading the celebration over a week. I finished the party invitation tonight. Pink is the theme. Everything pink. (Shhhh...don't tell the boys, but they are getting pink silly string as their party favors.)

1 comment:

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

Love the invitation! And that you celebrate 1/2 birthdays :)