Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We embarked on an ambitious gingerbread project this year...a nativity scene.  When I was little, we built and decorated gingerbread houses every year.  I think my Mom did most of the work.

I have only ever done houses from kits with my children.  But, my Mom found this great set deep in a cabinet of her house when she was cleaning out and I thought it would be fun to try this year.

The boys did quite a bit of work.  

Aren't the shapes cute!  I loved the camels and sheep.

Decorating was fun.  The boys chose the colors they wanted.  We kept the decorating simple.

Even though our finished product looked nothing like the cover of the box, we were pretty excited about our little Nativity scene.  The only major disaster was that the gingerbread was not strong enough to serve as the stable walls.  We had to slide some cardboard in there for extra support.

I think we'll try this again next year.  

As we waited for the gingerbread to bake and cool, Scott decided he really wanted to make cookies with the cookie press.  (Actually, I made the mistake of calling it a cookie gun.  That set off a battle of cookie gun vs. Nerf gun.  I'm not sure who won.)

When the battle ended, Scott set off to make the cookies by himself.  I was making dinner and had declared that we did not have time to make any more cookies, but he was persistent.  So I called out ingredients and he put the cookies together.  And they tasted great!  

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