Saturday, February 8, 2014

Farley's birthday

Farley is 7 today!  As Andrew very accurately pointed out, that makes him 49 and the oldest member of our household - "Older than Daddy!"  

We love celebrating our dog's birthday because it is a good chance to sing and torture him by making him wear a hat.  

Amanda, of course, is the planner of all celebrations.  

The only way that we can encourage Farley to sit still is by offering him a banana.  He will do ANYTHING for a piece of banana.  (You can see Amanda retrieving more birthday hats out of our party drawer.)

When we offer him a banana, he not only sits, but immediately lies down.  He knows the sequence before he can receive his treat.

Our sweet, sweet dog.  He really is a good friend and companion.  We are thankful for him.

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