Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Daycare at the Seusers!

Somehow today we ended up with seven kids and two adults at our house today for playtime. It was lots of fun, but definitely confirmed to me that I do not want to open an at-home daycare. There were two four year olds, two three year olds, one two year old, one 20 month old and a seven month old. The adults were 30+ -- no exact ages given! :)

Good thing we built the big sand box for Scooter's birthday. They all fit! Once we came inside, it seemed as if someone was always eating and someone else was always in the bathroom (or getting a diaper change). I guess that's how large families work.

Oh and, doesn't the house look so clean in the second picture. Don't worry, about 10 minutes earlier, I looked around and wondered when was the last time I saw every single one of our toys on the floor. You could hardly see the carpet! This picture was taken post-clean up. Roo was already napping.

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