Monday, November 12, 2007

Growing so Fast

I can see that this is going to be a title that I use often in this blog. It is just so true.

Last week, little Roo graduated to his own booster seat at the table. He loves that he can climb in and out by himself. It is a great height, not only to eat food, but also to color - one of his favorite activities. Today at lunch he was eating and "coloring" the table top. He loved his squash soup. Before I knew it, it was fingerpainting time! Good thing I have Farley to help clean up.

Scooter's hair is finally growing out, after his September buzz cut. You probably can't see in this picture, but some of the hairs in the back are starting to curl again. I'm so glad because we have family portraits on Wednesday. If they turn out, we'll use them on our Christmas card. Now I just have to figure out what we are all going to wear. I'm disappointed because Derrick doesn't think that Farley will be able to come. He may have to be photoshopped into the picture. :)

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