Thursday, September 11, 2008

a future shower singer?

Andrew is definitely our musical child. He has inherited those genes from his Daddy's side of the family, as my side aren't known for their musical ability. We love to listen to him sing, especially when he is on the potty. He belts out songs at top volume. One favorite is "Old McDonald Had a Farm." But it sounds more like "hum...hum...sheep on his farm...moo moo," etc. He doesn't have the words down pat yet.

Today I was encouraging him to sit on the potty and he ran to the living room saying, "I have to get my drum so I can sing on the potty." This was the first time for a musical instrument in the bathroom.

Thanks to Pop, these "drums" are a dime a dozen around here. His office must go through one coffee can per week. I asked for a few and it seems every time he comes he gifts us with more cans. They now hold everything from beanbags to train tracks in my efforts to organize our toys. But, some remain empty to serve as the most exciting option ... drums.

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