Saturday, September 6, 2008

Learning to Sing

Andrew has spent most of his life listening to the blessing before meals. For the past six months or so, he has folded his hands at the table and said "Amen" at the end of the blessing. But, he surprised us last week by singing the blessing with us at dinner. We sing "God our Father" most of the time, in which each stanza repeats twice. He only sings each stanza once, which generally allows him to finish sooner than the rest of us.

On Thursday, I asked him if I could take a video of him singing it. He immediately ran to his drum set so that he could "play" the song while singing it. Here is the result.

Scott also wanted to get in on the "singing for video" action, so here is the video I got of him. You can see how he raced off screen at the end of the video to review it on my camera. After all, the best part of taking pictures and videos is seeing yourself immediately. I guess it's the same thrill I used to have with Polaroid pictures when I was a kid.

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