Derrick and I have a running disagreement about the Lion/Lamb phrase for March. I distinctly remember learning in Elementary school that "March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb." I thought every school child learned that just before learning "April showers bring May flowers." Derrick thinks that it can go either way - "in like a lion and out like a lamb" OR "in like a lamb and out like a lion".
Whatever the phrase, the weather this March has been a bit Lion and a bit Lamb. We began the month with a roar, experiencing our first snowfall in three years to the tune of six inches. The snow lasted for several days, but by the end of the week the temperatures were lamb-like in the 70s. The lion came back this weekend with rain and cold temperatures. Derrick even built a fire on Sunday afternoon. Today was high of 50 with drizzles, while tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 70. So, it appears the lion and the lamb are battling and we will see who comes out the winner at the end of the month. (We hope it is the lamb, as we have lots of birthday celebrations coming up.)
Here are some snow pictures:
Scott loved playing in the snow. The big flakes were beautiful. This picture was taken at the beginning of the storm. As soon as we got home from church, Scott rushed outside to play.
Andrew did NOT like the snow. He preferred to stay inside where it was warm. Each time he went outside, he ended up crying to come inside again.
Amanda did not have an opinion about the weather, as long as she was being held.
This picture has a funny story behind it.
The weight of the snow brought down a large tree in our front yard. It blocked the street, so Derrick and our neighbor spent about two hours in the snow clearing the road with an axe and chain saw.
Here is our house. Can you see how the limbs of the trees were so heavy with snow? The tree that fell is just out of this picture, to the right of the house.
I took this just as we were heading to bed. We lost electricity around 4:00 and it returned around midnight, so this picture was taken in the pitch dark. It was fitting that we were reading "Little House on the Prairie." I read a few chapters before bed by the light of my flashlight, and Scott was disappointed that we did not have an oil lamp.
Look! Derrick is actually using his snow shovel to shovel snow! It's main use is to shovel millions of pounds of leaves down our driveway each fall toward our burn pile in the back.
On Wednesday we still had snow, but it melted by the end of the week.
fun photos! and, for the record, i am pretty sure you are right about the lion/lamb thing! in = lion. out = lamb. definitely no way you can switch the order
I vote for in like a lion out like a lamb although it hadn't been very lion-like here . . .Love the pics though!
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