And, for my third update, I'll focus on my sweet Amanda. She is not into guns or playing outside. She is most content when in someone's arms and her sweet smile brings lots of joy into the house.
While I certainly don't think I'm anywhere close to achieving *perfection* in raising an infant, I certainly think I'm doing it a whole lot more like it is supposed to be - no books, no comparing her to other kids, taking others' advice in stride and simply enjoying her for who she is at that moment. This hit me the other night at the table. She had yet to try table foods and we were enjoying homemade applesauce for dessert. She was so intently watching my spoon move from bowl to mouth, that I thought she may want a taste. So, I gave her a spoonful. Her face lit up in a smile. And that was her first table food experience - no high chair, special spoon or camera. Just relaxing joy.
Of course, I know I can't get too far into this without taking some special photos. I haven't given her anything else yet, but next time around, the camera and special spoon will probably be ready. Maybe I'll try avacados or banannas or maybe just rice cereal.
1 comment:
Oh dear, I didn't know you were supposed to use a special spoon? My sweet girls have been woefully neglected! J
ulianna actually fed Lydia her first 'table food' - without my knowing it. A pretzel, and Lydia was about ten weeks old. I don't think she actually consumed any :)
I waited til the 7 (or 8, I forget?) month mark to follow up with anything else! But I do think that one day I'll tell Lydia her first 'real food' was a soggy pretzel that her big sister happily shared :)
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