Friday, June 5, 2009

Mohawks must be popular again, because there were two or three boys sporting them at VBS this week. Last night, after washing Amanda's hair, I realized it is really easy to give her one. Enjoy the silly pictures!

Speaking of Amanda, she was perhaps the only person in the building who did NOT like VBS. She decided to start separation anxiety this week. But, the nursery volunteers quickly realized they could walk her around the building and she was perfectly happy. So maybe it wasn't separation anxiety from Mommy; maybe it was a simple fact that she was bored watching the other baby in the room. After all, she is used to much more activity.


laura said...

Oh I LOVE Amanda's smile in that last photo! she is starting to look "so grown-up" :)

thanks for posting the photos

Brent, Sara, Hannah and Sam said...

I love all the pics but like Laura I LOVE the 3rd pic of Amanda - her smile is awesome!

McCance said...

not to mention that babe was a boring 5 week old!