Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Uniform

Helmets are part of our summer uniform around here. It has been drilled into the boys' heads that one must NEVER ride a wheeled vehicle without one on his head. Whenever we see a movie or a picture of someone riding a bike without a helmet, one of the boys is sure to comment on it. They have a really hard time understanding why Mommy & Daddy did not wear helmets as kids.

It's great that they know to wear a helmet, but the other side of the story is that they are convinced that they are invincible when they have it on. Often, I'll hear one say to the other - "I'm wearing my helmet, so I can't get hurt."

Scott has just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Andrew is still working on the basics of steering and pedaling. He prefers the scooter, which is easier to maneuver.

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